
世屋地区とは、標高600mを超える山々と、その山麓に広がる世屋高原一帯の5つの集落からなるエリア。山と田畑に囲まれた土地に笹葺の家が残り、まるで日本昔話に出てくるような美しい里山である。 特に上世屋には笹葺家屋が多く、棚田が広がる美しい景色は日本の里100選にも選ばれてる。上世屋・松尾地区は、宮津市北部の世屋地区に位置している山村集落で、冬場は積雪が2メートルを超える豪雪地帯である。 上世屋地区の棚田は、伝統的な笹葺き民家を中心に広がっているのが特徴で、無農薬・無化学肥料の高品質な棚田米の栽培、棚田の周りに水を循環させ、地温で水を温めてから棚田に入れる「コナワ」という伝統技法や昔ながらの稲木干しなどが行われている。

The Seya District is an area consisting of five villages in the Seya Plateau that spreads out at the foot of the mountains with an altitude of over 600m. Surrounded by mountains and fields, there are still bamboo-roofed houses, making it a beautiful satoyama that looks like something out of a Japanese folk tale. In particular, there are many bamboo-roofed houses in Kamiseya, and the beautiful scenery of terraced rice fields has been selected as one of the top 100 villages in Japan. The Kamiseya/Matsuo area is a mountain village located in the Seya area in the northern part of Miyazu City. The terraced rice fields in the Kamiseya district are characterized by the fact that they are spread out around traditional houses with a bamboo roof. A traditional technique called konawa, in which water is heated before it is placed in the rice terraces, and the old-fashioned method of drying rice.
